My customers are awesome!

Oh wow! This is awesome! I want my entire life to smell this great!
by magicouture on French Model Breakfast

Ahhhhh, bliss! This stuff is incredible - you'll want to put it on all over just so you can smell it! My car broke down in the post office parking lot the night I picked up this package, and I just contented myself sniffing the lovely stuff from SuperBad while I waited for a tow truck!
by jetflair on Lorelei Loves Oranges

Just buy it. Your thighs will thank you later.
by elvenkitty on Super Bad Dusting Powder

Sunday, October 19, 2008



I have a new hobby.

Knitting. Stitch-witchery is more like it. I finally understand the big knitting resurgence/craze/mania. I have sipped from the giant fuzzy punch bowl...there's no turning back.

So here's the deal with my new compulsion...

My super-cool & hip friend Allison mentioned that she loved knitting and I immediately begged her to show me how. After a few months of talking about it, we finally got together last Thursday while our children were in preschool. It was so much fun! And despite my initial frustration I get it! Yay!

And now, I spend all my time searching for free patterns & printing them off. I sit in bed & practice. I am determined to stitch up some leg warmers for the girls while they are still in fashion. Forget about the fact I haven't even finished the simple, simple scarf I said I was making for my first project. I'm ready to start on an "Advanced Beginner" project.

Really, that's pretty good of me. I usually start off wanting to create something major--like a replica of my car in knit.

Up next! An exciting new knit related fragrance!

Bwah! Just teasing!


patti flynn said...

o you crack me up!
i hope there will be knitty pix soon.

soapbox Jen said...

I received a knitting kit a few years ago for Christmas and have no idea what those directions are talking about. So I'll be calling you soon to interpret them. Until then...knit faster woman! You need those matching Christmas sweaters for the family portrait (and be sure to send me a picture ;)).

PinkPorcupine said...

Seriously? Your First Scarf? Probably never be finished. As me how I know...however, I'm a major Knitter now...and I don't feel bad about not finishing that scarf!
PS - I am going to be co hosting a podcast on indie would you like to be interviewed? send me an email - ansleyb (at) gmail (dot) com :) Hope to hear from you soon!